Saturday, July 13, 2013

DIY: Makeup Brush Cleaner

I never clean my makeup brushes. Not once in my life have I ever done it. Well, before today I hadn’t. The brushes I use now I’ve had for at least a year – and I wear makeup every day, so I can only imagine what terrible things these bacteria-filled brushes are doing to my precious skin!

I recently came across this recipe for a homemade makeup brush cleaner and I knew I had to try it. This mixture will clean your brushes like no other and it’ll leave them feeling softer than ever. Seriously. I am completely amazed by how well this stuff works. This cleaner is so incredibly easy to make and it’s made from things that most of us already have lying around the house!

What you need:

1 cup distilled water
¼ cup rubbing alcohol
½ tablespoon castile soap
½ tablespoon hair shampoo
1 tablespoon leave-in conditioner spray
Small spray bottle

What you do:

Just mix all ingredients together and pour into your spray bottle!
To clean, spray the bristles of your makeup brush and then brush onto a clean, dry paper towel to remove all residue. If your brushes are extra dirty (like mine), let them soak in the mixture for a half hour or more before brushing onto a towel. You will be stunned by how well this works!

Clean makeup brushes are a huge step towards achieving healthy skin, so try to adding quick cleaning into your weekly schedule! I know I’ll be doing so
XO, Rachel

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